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From within this window the Saver used for writing Truecolor-images
is choosen. Most Savers offer an options-window which can be
accessed from within the Savers-Window, too.
Another purpose is to add or remove Saver-PlugIns.
Saver-PlugIns contain both the save- and the load-functions for a
particular image-format. Removing a Saver causes the loss of the
capability to load and save images of this file-format.
All unknown fileformats are handled via datatypes which is restricted
to the operation of loading.
Most Saver-PlugIns allow you to disable the loader-function explicitly.
This may be necessary if the Wildfire-loader doesn't support a
particular sub-format and you want to use datatypes. An example is
the PNG-format with it's lots of options.
There a many people saying "may xxx-datatype is the best, the greatest
and the fastest". If this is also your opinion you may
switch the loaders permanently off saving the prefs after
(In fact it's nearly impossible to write a datatypes which operates
faster than Wildfire because this program always was to designed
to be fast and not to conserve memory.)
Add add an external Saver-PlugIn
Delete delete the selected Saver-PlugIn
SavePrefs save all of the options of the current PlugIn
Options open the options-window of the selected Saver-PlugIn
Available Savers